Thursday, December 2, 2010


"Latter Day Saints in Bornholm. L to R: Sister Svendsen, Vilo Sorensen, Sister Anderson, K.A. Lauritzen, Brother Anderson, Sister Romer. They are all over 60 years of age. We held meetings Sunday evenings and Bible readings Thursday evening. Aug. 1931."

1 comment:

  1. Barry,

    What a TREASURE!! I think sometimes it's forgotten that Dad was just a week shy of his 45th birthday when I was born. My earliest memories of him are when he was in his fifties. I never knew him as a young man and by that time in his life he was not accustomed to chatting with the runt about his early years. This means a great deal to me on a deeply personal level. Dad and I had a wonderful relationship and, I think, a much different relationship than he had with the rest of you. He was somewhat distant to me until I got into my mid to late teens. I know that I worried him too much by always trying to do what was easiest instead of what was best. But a switch turned on when he came to a Springville High basketball game and saw me playing the drums with the jazz band for the first time. It really shocked him because he didn't even know I was a drummer. All of a sudden we had some common ground. Marrying Janie didn't hurt either. He loved her from the day he met her.

    I'm rambling here, but looking through all these photos just let loose a plethora of emotions, memories, and a connection with the Spirit. I THANK you for doing this big brother! I sincerely THANK you!!

